Basic SRV Courses:
Intro - Reviews - Prices
INTRO Video (7 min)
Course Reviews

Jason Medlock host of
'IM Woke' and You Tube's 'Expansion of Consciousness'

I saw a video years ago on YouTube but it didn't say how to get into it. This video (series) of yours is priceless!
Derick R, Online at Conscious Vitality
I enjoyed the course of Basic SRV. I felt I did get too caught up with the results at times. Most importantly, I learned something about my own conscious mind and even some habits to address. Phase four was repetitious and challenging but in the end the sessions were always fun.
Brandon R., MI
Was not sure what to expect but was always curious about remote viewing. I finally gathered the courage after meeting Tony at a conference and discussing it. He was very thorough and I learned greater patience and another level of focus.
I do recommend this if interested, but patience, at least for me, was important. In the aftermath it was about my own growth and awareness.
Wendy G, NC
Course Prices
We accept credit cards, PayPal, cashier's check, and money orders.
Please refer to the 'Instructions for Registering' box located below.
Basic SRV Course
or Earth Coach
(See Bottom of Page)
Basic SRV Course
(you get) :
Access to 11 Video Classes (1a-8) apx 30-90 mins each at any time. You learn at your convenience.
All Video Classes complete with audio by Me (Tony), PowerPoint illustrations and CCs every step of the way.
You will have a Target to view during most Classes.
Q and A segments on video.
You will also learn how to do Basic SRV on your own.
FOUR live 1-1 Classes / Sessions with me (ex via Zoom). Please contact me to set apt. times. This can be a great compliment to the Video Course !
In Addition:
DL of Complete Basic SRV manual.
Can request decorative memento sent to you after ‘Course Completion’.
DL of 25 additional Targets to view on your own after Course completion. Audio guidance included.
Earth Coach:
Six one-on-one sessions (ex via Zoom).
Includes exercise and nutrition guidance (also a hard copy sent to you), meditations and learning Basic SRV Phases 1-3. (Note: This is not a complete Basic SRV Course - but enough to learn and continue practice).
Same $179 Price !
One-on-One Sessions w/ Tony
$39 for Two
Available any combination of Two one-on-one sessions SRV, Earth Coach, etc. (ex: used after any course).
Contact me for appointment and details.
Group Course Workshops
$119 per
Group discount must be of three or more participants for eligibility.
Each individual of the group will also have access to log-in to take any of the 11 Video Course Classes at any time.
Each individual of the group gets the same 'In Addition' list that is included with the ‘Basic SRV Course’.
Group administrator please 'Contact' me to discuss/arrange - if you would also like to include LIVE Workshops (via Zoom) to accommodate your Group Course. This can also be arranged. Thank You for your interest!

This is the decorative memento-certificate you can receive upon completion of the Course and your Sessions with Tony. It will have your name and date on it.
Instructions for Registering
Before you can 'register' for the course, you must first join as a member to the website:
It is 'Free' to join as a member. Go to any page on the website.
Go to the Log In rectangle box at top far right of the main black Navigation Menu.
Hover over the actual words Log In (in the box, far right) until a hand appears and then 'click'.
Sign up (join) either using Google or type in your email address and choose a password (save it somewhere!).
Click Sign up (again: there is NO cost to join as a site member).
Once you are a site member you may then register (aka purchase) a student COURSE Subscription (see just below).
To register / purchase any student 'COURSE' subscription please follow these instructions:
Go to (start at) the "COURSES: Intro-reviews-Prices" page-link found on the main Black Navigation Menu at top of ea page, 'click'.
Scroll down to the Course Subscription you want (Basic SRV / Earth Coach, one-on-one or Group).
Click the 'Select' box above the Course you wish to subscribe to (note: Group Workshops must be 3 or more and all prearranged).
You will be taken to another information page, click on the Select box again but now it is just UNDER the Course (price) you choose
- Next you will be taken to a checkout/payment page. You can pay securely with credit or debit card, Paypal (per account or guest) or send (via traditional 'snail' mail) a cashier's check or money order. Below are the instructions for each payment method:
- Paying securely through the website with a credit or debit card:
- Enter your card information and personal information ​(Note: If using a 'Gift' credit or debit card enter your same personal info.)
- Click on "Buy Now"
- You will receive an invoice and then a receipt by email for your payment.
- Paying securely through Paypal for those with a Paypal account:
- Click on the Paypal option to pay.​
- Click "Buy Now" and it will connect you to your Paypal account.
- Accept the payment and submit.
- You will be emailed an invoice and then a receipt by email for your payment.
- Paying securely through Paypal as a "Guest":
- Click on the Paypal option to pay ​
- Click "Buy Now" and a Paypal popup will appear
- Click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"
- Submit your email information but login as a "Guest"
- Click "Continue to Payments"
- Enter all of your information and click on "Continue as a Guest"
- Submit the payment
- You will be emailed an invoice and then a receipt by email for your payment.
- Paying with Cashier's Check or Money Order:
- Do not mail cash.
- Send cashier's check(s) or money order(s) to 33079 Garfield #215, Fraser, MI 48026.
- Make payable to: 3DGMS, LLC. State on payment: Basic SRV Course, Earth Coach, Two Single Sessions or Group Membership. Include email address.
- Once received Tony or his web manager will manually change your membership status to a paid student so you can access the Course videos and File documents. You can also change your password. (Note: once again, you first must have created a free Membership by following the instructions at the very top of this box).
- You will be mailed (email or traditional) an invoice / receipt. Thank You !
- Once you do ONE of the above, you will then have access to the STUDENT VIDEOS (subscription) and FILE SHARE (subscription) content found on the Main Black Navigation Menu atop each page.
5% off all proceeds from the registration of these courses will go to zoological/wildlife betterment.

Please read this ‘disclaimer’ before acting or using any of services or content from this website operated by 3DGMS, LLC.
The content displayed and associated here is the property of 3DGMS, LLC.
The Farsight Institute® developed the means of Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV)©. It is not intended for any resubmission or distribution without written consent.
The Basic SRV ©information and instruction posted, written and taped found on this website is for educational, informational and entertainment purposes only. Should you decide to act upon any information or materials found on this website you do so at your own risk. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the Basic SRV Subscription Course.